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Starcraft 2 Upgrade Guide

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This Starcraft 2 Terran build guide is your essential reference for Terran buildings and structures, with complete information on stats, upgrades, abilities and research. This is a vital knowledge base for any Terran Starcraft 2 online player.


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In Starcraft 2, there is a 'best counter' for every unit.

In this guide I will give detailed information for Terran players to counter every Starcraft 2 Zerg units.

Please keep in mind that this is a general terran unit strategy guide, it is based on pure unit statistics. So you must adapt depending on the situation in-game. For example, if I say that Vikings are the best unit counter against Mutalisks, don't go for Vikings if you haven't even started building a Starport as your opponent shows up with 6 mutalisks, you won't have time for that, produce marines and/or missile turrets instead and then build a starport if you manage to hold off the first mutalisk batch.

Hero Genius (Henius)

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Commander Summary

Stetmann uses his army of mecha zerg units powered by Egonergy while providing additional buffs through Stetzones to defeat enemy forces.

Level Unlocks

Stetisfaction GuaranteedStetmann can deploy Stetellites, which grant passive Stetzone enhancements. Structures that unlock units are limited to 1. Mecha Larvae spawn at an increased rate. Stetmann's Mecha units utilize Egonergy, which does not regenerate on its own.
The J.U.I.C.E. is LooseUnlocks the J.U.I.C.E. Configuration, which regenerates Egonergy for Stetmann's units and energy for allied units.
Gary: Stetellite OverchargeGary gains the ability to overcharge a Stetellite, allowing it to actively grant bonuses to nearby units depending on the current Stetellite configuration.
Mecha Zergling & Mecha Baneling Upgrade CacheUnlocks the following upgrades at the Mecha Spawning Pool and the Mecha Baneling Nest:
  • Mecha Zerglings gain 100% increased attack speed at the cost of Egonergy.
  • Mecha Banelings gain increased attack damage for each point of Egonergy remaining when they explode.
  • Improves the Mecha Baneling's Egonergy Impact Barrier to absorb more damage per point of Egonergy.
Mechnum OpusGary gains the ability to transform into Super Gary. Super Gary can hold twice the number of ability charges. He can also temporarily generate his own Stetzone and gains attack speed and health regeneration when he collects Mecha Remnants.
New Unit: Mecha LurkerArea damage ambusher. Must burrow to attack. Can use Tunnel of TERROR Algorithm and Focused Strike Algorithm. Morphed from Mecha Hydralisks.
Can attack ground units.
StetmannopolyUpgrading to Mecha Lair and Mecha Hive reduces the cooldown and increases the maximum charges of Deploy Stetellite.
Mecha Hydralisk & Mecha Lurker Upgrade CacheUnlocks the following upgrades at the Mecha Hydralisk Den and the Mecha Lurker Den:
  • Increases the Mecha Hydralisk's anti-air range by 3.
  • Unlock the Mecha Lurker's Focused Strike Algorithm ability, which allows it to concentrate fire in a small area around a target enemy unit for 10 seconds.
Friends ForeverAllows Gary and Stetellites to pick up the Remnants of destroyed Mecha units. When enough Remnants are picked up, Mecha units will be rebuilt at no cost at their respective unlock structures.
Mecha Infestor Upgrade CacheUnlocks the following upgrades at the Mecha Infestation Pit:
  • Unlock the Mecha Infestor's UMI-C Charging Protocol ability, which allows it to restore health, Egonergy, and energy over time to a target friendly unit. The unit's ability cooldown rate is also increased.
  • Allow the Mecha Infestor's Roaches Away! and Deconstructive Roach-nite abilities to spawn an additional Mecha Ravager.
New Unit: Mecha Battlecarrier LordFlying heavy-assault unit. Shoots Mecha Broodlings at its target. Builds and launches Mecha Locusceptors that attack enemy ground targets. Can use Stetmato Cannon.
Can attack ground units.
Mecha Ultralisk Upgrade CacheUnlocks the following upgrades at the Mecha Ultralisk Cavern:
  • Unlock the Mecha Ultralisk's ability to absorb 25 life from nearby friendly or enemy mechanical units, healing for that amount.
  • Reduces the damage taken by Mecha Ultralisks by 25%.
Lovable Little RascalsMecha Zerglings and Mecha Banelings drop double the amount of Mecha Zergling Remnant.
Mecha Spire Upgrade CacheUnlocks the following upgrades at the Mecha Spire and the Mecha Greater Spire:
  • Unlock the Mecha Corruptor's Terraclean Solvent ability, which allows it to deal damage over time to an enemy ground unit.
  • Unlock the Mecha Battlecarrier Lord's ability to build and deploy Mecha Locusceptors, which can attack enemy ground units.
  • Unlock the Mecha Battlecarrier Lord's Stetmato Cannon ability, which allows it to fire a blast of energy, dealing 300 damage to an enemy unit.
Pushing the EgonvolopeAllows Stetmann's structures to research two upgrades simultaneously.

Highlighted rows denote large power spikes for the commander.


The commander-specific achievements for Stetmann are:

Beep Beep Little StetelliteDeploy 30 Stetellites by 10 minutes on Hard difficulty.
Not A Filler EpisodeComplete the Super Gary Transformation Sequence within 5 minutes.
Recycle, Reduce, ReuseCollect 500 Mecha Remnants in a single mission.
X.O.X.O.Use Gary's Stetellite Overcharge to overload 2,500 allied units.


Stetzones provide bonuses for any of Stetmann or his ally's units that stand in them. What is ms point. Each Stetellite will spread a Stetzone within 8 range from itself. A Stetellite can only be deployed within a Stetzone. The Deploy Stetellite Ability is shown below:

AbilityNameDescriptionRecommended UsageNumbers
Deploy StetelliteDeploys a Stetellite at the target location. Stetellites must be placed within a Stetzone.
  • Use Stetellites to cover the battlefield and provide you and your ally with vision and buffs.
  • Stetellites can be placed in Super Gary's Stetzone.
  • Teching up to a Lair and Hive will provide you with more max charges and a reduced charge cooldown.
  • Cooldown: 25/20/15 seconds
  • Max Charges: 3/5/7

Stetzones can be operated in three different configurations. Configurations can be switched every 1 second, so changing configurations frequently is a key element of Stetmann's gameplay. These modes are listed below:

AbilityNameDescriptionRecommended UsageNumbers
Fun Accelerator for Speedy Transportation Configuration (FAST)Stetzones grant Stetmann's units 100% increased movement speed. Allied units gain 50% increased movement speed.
  • Useful to reach maximum mining rate in the early game, despite not having worker saturation on resources (2 per resource patch).
  • Switch to this mode to to get into position to handle attack waves before switching to another mode.
  • Great to use for moving high-value army units out of harm's way.
  • Cooldown: 1 second
Health Uptick Generating System Configuration (HUGS)Stetzones grant Stetmann's units 10 life regeneration per second. Allied units gain 5 life regeneration per second.
  • Use this to heal units after engaging attack waves and pushing into bases.
  • Cooldown: 1 second
Just-in-time Uninterruptable Input for Charging Egonergy Configuration (JUICE)Stetzones grant Stetmann's units 5 Egonergy regeneration per second. Allied units gain 2.5 energy regeneration per second.
  • Use this to regenerate energy before taking large engagements.
  • Toggle between this and HUGS to keep your units alive and fully energized.
  • Cooldown: 1 second

Sub-Ascension Leveling

Difficulty: Moderate

How to win big at the casino. Once Stetmann unlocks Super Gary, it is best to rely on that Hero unit to clear enemy encampments and bases before sending your army in to clear the objectives. Before Super Gary, it is best to use a Hydralisk/Zergling composition as the main backbone of your army, using the Zerglings to tank for the more fragile Hydralisks.


Below are the three Power Sets for Stetmann with the recommended point allocations for each. Note that these are meant to serve a general, all-purpose build that is effective across all maps with no Prestiges selected. You are highly encourged to change these masteries to suit your playstyle and particular challenges you face (e.g. Weekly Mutations).

Power Set 1:

PowerValueRecommended Points to AddFurther Considerations
Upgrade Resource Cost-2% per point
-60% maximum
0The upgrade resource mastery only affects attack and armor upgrades, and not upgrades that improve individual units. Players will need to take into consideration whether this mastery is needed.
Gary Ability Cooldown-1% per point
-30% maximum

Super Gary can be an extremely powerful unit when used correctly, providing Stetmann's army with instant mobility, buffs and a strong AoE attack to deal with attack waves. Having access to these abilities more often is a better choice.

Power Set 2:

PowerValueRecommended Points to AddFurther Considerations
Stetzone Bonuses2% per point
60% maximum
30Players will need to look at how they are using the energy on their units in order to determine the appropriate split. Players that prefer to spam abilities in short, infrequent bursts (like Infestor play) may decide to put more points into the Energy pool.
Maximum Egonergy Pool2% per point
60% maximum

The points recommended here are a starting point for players. A player's playstyle will determine what split they prefer to use. A 17/13 split can be used here and is optimized for a Mass Infestor play and allows Stetmann's Infestors to cast Roaches Away! twice with a full energy bar, as they start with 504 energy.

Power Set 3:

PowerValueRecommended Points to AddFurther Considerations
Deploy Stetellite Cooldown-0.17 sec per point
-5 sec maximum
0A minimum of 12 points into the Structure Morph Rate mastery will allow players to get Super Gary out as soon as he spawns, which compensates for Stetmann's lack of early game power. However, players that prefer to not rely on Super Gary may find more benefit in the Deploy Satellite mastery, which will allow them to spawn more satellites more frequently.
Structure Morph Rate2% per point
60% maximum

Stetmann naturally floats many minerals which can be used to place Hatcheries around the map to spread Stetellites from, reducing the need for allocating points into the Stetellite mastery. Therefore, the Structure Morph mastery is the better choice here.


Below are the prestiges for Stetmann. Note that 'Effective Level' is the level at which the prestige achieves it full effect.

LevelNameDescriptionEffective LevelNotes
1Signal Savant
  • Advantages:
    • Stetellites are invulnerable once they are online.
    • Stetellites generate a 50% larger Stetzone.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Super Gary is unavailable.
The disadvantage for this Prestige only takes effect at level 5, which means below Stetmann level 5, this prestige provides purely a positive benefit to the player. However, the loss of Super Gary can be a huge disadvantage, as Super Gary is responsible for Stetmann's overall strength as a commander. This prestige works well against mutators like Propagators, as Stetellites can no longer be converted by Propagators. Additionally, this prestige also favours mass Infestor-style play, as that style of play does not rely much on Super Gary as a hero unit.

LevelNameDescriptionEffective LevelNotes
2Best Buddy
  • Advantages:
    • Gary's health and damage increased by 100%.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Gary's movement speed is reduced by 90% outside of Stetzones.
  • Applies to Super Gary
  • Applies to E-Gorbs used by both units
This prestige doubles up on the Hero unit and provides it with a large set of buffs that makes the unit even more powerful. When played well, Super Gary can be used to severely weaken enemy bases and wipe attack waves. The disadvantage may appear to be a big one, and for a unit like Gary, it is true. However, Super Gary has access to the Gary Zone ability which allows him to not only move outside Stetzones at regular speed, but also place Stetellites. When used efficiently, the player should have all the mobility around the map they require, without being hindered by this prestige's disadvantage.

LevelNameDescriptionEffective LevelNotes
3Oil Baron
  • Advantages:
    • Combat units gain a stack of The Best Oil when they kill an enemy unit.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Combat units cost 40% more minerals.
    • Mecha Infestors are unavailable.
  • The Best Oil buff gives +10% Attack Speed and +1HP/second regeneration for 30 seconds per stack.
  • A maximum of 20 Best Oil stacks can be collected per unit.
While this prestige might appear to be useful, The Best Oil is only useful when provided in several stacks, such as those given to Super Gary. Since these stacks are only given out on a kill, it is highly unlikely that a unit can accumulate enough stacks such that they would get a signficant advantage from this prestige. Combined with the fact that these stacks are temporary and wear off after 30 seconds, this prestige is not very useful for most units. However, units that deal splash damage, or have cleave attacks (such as Lurkers and Ultralisks) can benefit from this prestige, especially on missions like Dead of Night, where there is a constant stream of enemy units to keep the stacks refreshed.
Starcraft 2 upgrade guide download

Best Buddy is the prestige that outshines the rest here, by providing a huge power level increase to Super Gary, with very minimal downsides. Pre-level 5, Stetmann should be using Signal Savant, as it offers no downsides. However, past level 5, Best Buddy should be used if it is unlocked, with a big focus on the hero unit, to reap the power of the prestige.

Hero Unit

Spawn time: 4:00

Respawn time: 1:00

The abilities for Gary are:

E-GorbUnleashes a traveling electrical orb that deals 50 damage per second to all enemies along its path. If Gary is in a Stetzone, he unleashes three orbs instead.30 seconds
Stetellite OverchargeOverchages a target Stetellite, allowing it to actively grant bonuses to nearby units depending on the current Stetzone configuration. Overcharge effect lasts for 30 seconds.
- F.A.S.T. Overload grants 20% increased attack speed for 45 seconds.
- H.U.G.S. Overload grants a shield that absorbs 60 damage for 45 seconds.
- J.U.I.C.E. Overload regenerates 60 Egonergy and energy over 45 seconds.
45 seconds
Semi-Stable Mass TransportationTeleports Gary and all nearby units you control to a target Stetellite's location. (Does not affect ally units)180 seconds

For a cost of 450 Minerals/300 Gas, Gary may be upgraded to Super Gary, with an extra ability charge (except for Gary-Zone) and a new ability. The abilities for Super Gary are:

E-GorbUnleashes a traveling electrical orb that deals 50 damage per second to all enemies along its path. If Gary is in a Stetzone, he unleashes three orbs instead.30 seconds
Stetellite OverchargeOverchages a target Stetellite, allowing it to actively grant bonuses to nearby units depending on the current Stetzone configuration. Overcharge effect lasts for 30 seconds.
- F.A.S.T. Overload grants 20% increased attack speed for 45 seconds.
- H.U.G.S. Overload grants a shield that absorbs 60 damage for 45 seconds.
- J.U.I.C.E. Overload regenerates 60 Egonergy and energy over 45 seconds.
45 seconds
Semi-Stable Mass TransportationTeleports Gary and all nearby units you control to a target Stetellite's location. (Does not affect ally units)180 seconds
Gary ZoneGenerates a Stetzone around Super Gary for 30 seconds.120 seconds

Recommended Army Composition

The recommended army composition for Stetmann is below. Note that this assumes no Prestige talent selected and recommended Mastery Allocations. This is a basic recommendation for your army framework. It is recommended to gain an understanding for each of the units in the Units section and further add tech units so that you are able to better handle the situations you face.

Using Zerglings to tank for Hydralisks, Stetmann should be able to handle almost any enemy composition without any issues. Attack wave should first be engaged with Super Gary before attacking with your army. Slots no deposit required.

If dealing with a pure ground composition, Mecha Banelings are a great way of handling attack waves. Place them near spawn points if possible.

Combat Units

For more information on Stetmann's unit stats, comparison between units and upgrade calculations, visit the Data Tables page.

Stetmann's combat units are listed below:

  • Max Egonergy: 50
  • Can be an extremely effective tank with the Hardened Egonergy Shield.
  • Hardened Egonergy Shield stacks with HUGS overcharge.
  • Almost invincible with the the Hardened Egonergy Shield Upgrade and alternating HUGS and JUICE Stetzones.
  • Use JUICE after clearing out most enemy units in bases to minimize the energy drain of the Synthetic Adrenal Pumps upgrade.
  • Great unit as a mineral dump.


UpgradeNameEffect/Research Time
Metal-Bolic BoostIncreases the movement speed of Mecha Zerglings by 60%.100/10060 seconds
Hardened Egonergy ShieldAllows Mecha Zerglings to reduce incoming damage to a maximum of 10. Drains 5 Egonergy per use.100/10060 seconds
Synthetic Adrenal PumpsIncreases attack speed of Mecha Zerglings by 100%. Drains 1 Egonergy per attack.100/10060 seconds
  • Max Egonergy: 50
  • Expensive unit, given its utility.
  • Does great amounts of splash damage.
  • Can be useful for clearing up clumps of enemy units.


SkillNameDescriptionCooldownEnergy Cost
Anti-Centripetal Rocket ServosIncreases the movement speed of this unit by 15% and allows it to leap onto enemy units.5 seconds1

Cricut access sign in. Upgrades:

UpgradeNameEffect/Research Time
Anti-Centripetal Rocket ServosIncreases the movement speed of Mecha Banelings by 15% and allows them to leap onto enemy units.100/10060 seconds
Egonergy Enhanced ExplosivesAllows the Mecha Baneling to add its current Egonergy to its damage when it explodes.100/10090 seconds
Egonergy Efficient BarrierIncreases the damage absorbed by the Mecha Baneling's Egonergy Impact Barrier to 2 damage per point of Egonergy.100/10090 seconds
  • Max Egonergy: 100
  • Does great amounts of Anti-Air damage.
  • Erudition Missile Launchers upgrade can increase Hydralisk damage greatly vs. Air Armored units.
  • Very effective against armored objectives that can be hit by air attacks.
  • Can overkill due to its attacks being projectiles, so attention needs to be paid to how they are taking engagements.
  • Versatile but fragile unit.

Starcraft 2 Mission Guide


UpgradeNameEffect/Research Time
Hydra-lic AugmentsIncreases the movement speed of Mecha Hydralisks by 50%.100/10060 seconds
Erudition Missile LaunchersAllows the Mecha Hydralisk to replace its anti-air Needle Spine weapon with a more powerful Erudition Missile armament.100/10090 seconds
Tyr-Class Targeting SystemIncreases the Mecha Hydralisk's anti-air weapon range by 3.100/10090 seconds
  • Max Egonergy: 200
  • Good defensive unit which can be used to clear attack waves.
  • Due to its high-damage skill being manual cast, this unit requires a little bit of micromanagement.
  • Tunnel of Terror Algorithm gives Lurkers invulnerability while in motion and does not require the Lurker to be burrowed.
  • Focused Strike Algorithm can stack, making it a useful ability to burst down targets.


SkillNameDescriptionCooldownEnergy Cost
Tunnel of TERROR AlgorithmTunnels to a nearby target location, dealing 60 damage to enemies along the way.8 seconds75
Focused Strike AlgorithmThe Mecha Lurker concentrates its fire on a target unit, dealing 50 damage to a small area around that unit for 10 seconds or until the unit is destroyed.0 seconds75


UpgradeNameEffect/Research Time
Extended Tunnel of TERROR AlgorithmIncreases the maximum range of the Mecha Lurker's Tunnel of TERROR Algorithm by 6.100/10090 seconds
Focused Strike AlgorithmAllows the Mecha Lurker to concentrate its fire on a target unit, dealing 50 damage to a small area around that unit for 10 seconds or until the unit is destroyed.100/10090 seconds
  • Max Egonergy: 200
  • Great anti-air unit.
  • Cluster Busters ability can be used to destroy clumps of enemy units while spawn-camping attack waves.
  • Cluster Busters works very well with Rapidfire.


SkillNameDescriptionCooldownEnergy Cost
Cluster BustersFires a barrage of missiles dealing 50 (+30 vs. light) damage to enemy air units in a target area.10 seconds100
Terraclean SolventEmits a solvent stream that deals 10 damage per second for 3 seconds, then increases to 50 damage per second.
Channeled ability. Can target enemy ground units and structures.
20 seconds75

Starcraft 2 Upgrade Guide Download


UpgradeNameEffect/Research Time
Wide Area Cluster BustersIncreases the search radius of Mecha Corruptor's Cluster Busters by 100%.100/10060 seconds
Terraclean SolventAllows the Mecha Corruptor to emit a solvent stream that deals devastating damage to enemy ground units over time.100/10090 seconds
  • Max Egonergy: 400
  • Extremely expensive unit.
  • Relatively ineffective due to its high dependence on Egonergy in order to attack.


SkillNameDescriptionCooldownEnergy Cost
Ready Mecha BroodlingBuilds Mecha Broodlings that can attack ground units.3 seconds5
Build Mecha LocusceptorBuilds Mecha Locusceptors that automatically attack the Mecha Battlecarrier Lord's target.
Can attack ground units.
20 seconds50
Stetmato CannonBlasts a target with a devastating plasma cannon causing 300 damage and delusions of grandeur.0 seconds100

Totally free casino games. Upgrades:

UpgradeNameEffect/Research Time
Mecha Locusceptor BaysAllows the Mecha Battlecarrier Lord to build and launch 6 Mecha Locusceptors that automatically attack enemy ground units.150/15090 seconds
Stetmato CannonAllows the Mecha Battlecarrier Lord to blast targets with a devastating plasma cannon causing 300 damage and delusions of grandeur.100/10090 seconds
  • Max Egonergy: 400
  • Extremely powerful unit when massed.
  • Can create large waves of spawned units and overwhelm enemies.
  • Bonus Ravager upgrade is a critical upgrade which greatly increases damage output.
  • Extremely fragile and will need to be kept at the backline.
  • UMI-C Charging Protocol can be used consistently to keep Infestors at full energy.


SkillNameDescriptionCooldownEnergy Cost
Roaches Away!Spawn 2 Mecha Roaches. Spawned units last 45 seconds.0 seconds250
UMI-C Charging ProtocolThe Mecha Infestor launches a mechanical nerve cord at a friendly unit, restoring 150 life, 50 Egonergy, and 50 energy instantly. An additional 600 life, 200 Egonergy, and 200 energy regenerates over 20 seconds. The unit's ability cooldown rate is increased by 25% 5 seconds75
Deconstructive Roach-nitesInfests target enemy structure, dealing 500 damage over 10 seconds and disabling it for the duration of the effect. If the structure is destroyed while under the effects of Deconstructive Roach-nites, it will spawn 2 Mecha Roaches.0 seconds75


Starcraft 2 Upgrade Guide Kit

UpgradeNameEffect/Research Time
UMI-C Charging ProtocolAllows the Mecha Infestor to launch a mechanical nerve cord at a friendly unit, restoring 150 life, 50 Egonergy, and 50 energy instantly. An additional 600 life, 200 Egonergy, and 200 energy regenerates over 20 seconds. The unit's ability cooldown rate is increased by 25% 100/10090 seconds
BONUS Ravager!Allows the Mecha Infestor's Roaches Away! and Deconstructive Roach-nites to spawn an additional Mecha Ravager.100/10090 seconds
  • Max Egonergy: 300
  • Can be made in small quantities to provide a strong frontline force.
  • Mecha Mooch Module can be used to further increase ruggedness in combat.
  • Vectored Burrow Charge and Electrostatic Surprise can take out a lot of high-damage mech units (even from two Ultralisks), reducing overall threat to Stetmann's army.


SkillNameDescriptionCooldownEnergy Cost
Vectored Burrow ChargeBurrow and charge towards a unit. Upon unburrowing, all enemy units in the vicinity are knocked back and dealt 50 damage.5 seconds75
Mecha Mooch ModuleAbsorbs 25 health from a nearby enemy or friendly mechanical unit, healing for that amount.2 seconds5


UpgradeNameEffect/Research Time
Electrostatic Surprise!Allows the Mecha Ultralisk's Vectored Burrow Charge ability to stun enemy mechanical ground units in a large area.100/10060 seconds
Mecha Mooch ModuleGrants the Mecha Ultralisk the ability to absorb 25 life from nearby enemy or friendly mechanical units, healing for that amount.100/10090 seconds
Chitanium PlatingGrants the Mecha Ultralisk 25% damage reduction.100/10090 seconds

Build Order

Below is a order for Stetmann that rushes Super Gary out. This one assumes max mastery points into the Structure Morph mastery to ensure adequate resources to upgrade Gary as soon as he spawns. For more information on how to read and construct your own build orders, please check the Build Order Theory page.

14 Overlord
14 Extractor (2 drones on completion)
14 Extractor (2 drones on completion)
19 Spawning Pool
18 Lair
18 2x Zerglings to Expo
20 Drone
21 Infestation Pit
20 Drone
21 Overlord
Saturate gasses at 200 minerals
21 Hive
Saturate mineral line

Note that on some maps that are more defensive (for example Mist Opportunities), it may be better to delay getting the Super Gary upgrade and focusing on a more economic-centric build by take your expansion faster. As such, the build order will need to be modified accordingly. To learn more about how to construct your own build orders, please check the Build Order Theory page.

Gameplay Guide

Mecha Remnants

Whenever any of Stetmann's Mech units are killed under a Stetzone or within 15 range of Gary/Super Gary, a certain number of Mecha Remnants for a unit will be recycled to Stetmann. When a certain number of Remnants are recycled, a Mecha unit will be rebuilt at no cost at their respective unlock structures. Additionally, when Super Gary absorbs a Mecha Remnant, he gains 10% increased attack speed and regenerates an additional 1 life per second for 30 seconds. This can stack up to 20 times. The table below summarizes which Remnants are dropped from each unit.

Unit KilledRemnants DroppedNumber Dropped
Mecha ZerglingMecha Zergling1
Mecha BanelingMecha Zergling2
Mecha HydraliskMecha Hydralisk1
Mecha LurkerMecha Hydralisk2
Mecha InfestorMecha Infestor1
Mecha CorruptorMecha Corruptor1
Mecha BattlecarrierlordMecha Corruptor2
Mecha UltraliskMecha Ultralisk1

The table below lists out the required count of Mecha Remnants to produce a full unit.

UnitRemnants Required
Mecha Zergling2
Mecha Hydralisk4
Mecha Infestor4
Mecha Corruptor4
Mecha Ultralisk4

Playstyle Traps

A common trap for Stetmann players is to ignore the power of Stetzones and take engagements outside them. This can severely reduce their army's effectiveness in the mission. Additionally, switching Stetzone types is part of the gameplay, and continuously using a single Stetzone type is inefficient.

Additionally, some players may choose to cover their ally's base in a speed Stetzone. This should not always be done. Players will need to consider a number of factors:

  1. Ally's commander: Certain commanders macro up extremely quickly and reach full saturation within a few minutes (like Zagara). These commanders generally do not benefit from a Stetzone in their expansion as much as slower commanders (like Stukov).
  2. Distance between bases: Some maps have player expansions very close to each other. As a result, it would take only a few Stetellites to cover an ally's base with a Stetzone.
  3. Attack wave timing: If players find they do not have adequate resources to handle an attack wave early (such as on Rifts to Korhal), putting a Stetzone in an ally's base and switching to HUGS may keep workers alive assuming there is nothing to draw aggro of the attack wave.

Playstyle Tips

  • When engaging an enemy camp, stay outside attack range of enemy units and use an E-Gorb on the enemy units. Taking damage, enemy units will run away, in the same direction as the orb is moving. This can clear large number of enemies effectively.
  • If you need a Stetzone in an area, use Super Gary's Stetzone ability, and then place a Stetellite in the Stetzone to produce a permanent Stetzone once the ability runs out.
  • Following from the above point, it may be useful to spend less time spreading Stetzones to some locations from your base. Instead, use Super Gary's Stetzone ability to provide a place to put a Stetellite and spread from there.
  • You can use Hatcheries to create additional Stetzones to place Stetellites and spread Stetzones from there.
  • Switch to the Speed Stetzone to move valuable units away from the enemy if they get aggro'ed.
  • Alternating between the Energy and the HP Stetzone can keep fully-upgraded Zerglings alive for a very long time.
  • Tech structures can be assigned rally points, so make sure to set them to ensure recycled units go to where they are supposed to go.
  • Make use of Stetellite overcharges because they provide large buffs to your units. Overcharge a Stetellite before taking engagements.
  • Build Macro Hatcheries to allow you to spend your resources more effectively.
  • Super Gary gains a temporary attack speed buff when he picks up Mecha Remnants. Make sure Super Gary is near your army in combat to take advantage of this buff.

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